Virtual Assistant Services
Online Office Assistants provides top quality virtual assistant and off-site secretarial services to businesses, both large and small. Typical services performed by a virtual assistant include:
- General secretarial tasks including typing and word processing
- Database maintenance and creation (e.g. client databases)
- Excel spreadsheets (e.g. mailing lists)
- Power Point presentations and promotional brochures and flyers
- Design and creation of newsletters, both HTML and paper-based
- Business process improvements (e.g. streamlining manual processes using technology)
- Internet research
- Organising of workshops and conferences
- Other office administration as required
To find out the advantages of using a virtual assistant instead of a traditional office temp or on-site secretarial service, go to our Benefits of Using a Virtual Assistant page. We can provide a cost-effective solution to assist you with your business, and are available 7 days per week and outside normal business hours, enabling us to work with you exactly when you need it. Please contact us for more information.